Anem al teatre: Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde / The amazing Robin Hood

Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde

This week we have been lucky to get good seats in the front row of the stalls!! On Tuesday, our students in 3rd and 4th of ESO went to Sabadell to see an adaptation of the classic of Robert Louis Stevenson, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

The action takes place at a modern hospital in pandemic times. All students, with different levels and of different grades, were delighted to understand the crystal  clear English performed by the actor and actress on stage. 

The amazing Robin Hood

We got lucky with the seats too! 

From the first act, the imaginative actors got the students engaged in the play.  



The students of 1st and 2nd ESO witnessed the transformation of a “regular” Robin Hood into an “amazing” Robin Hood or Roberto Caputxa. He was eventually able to get what he wanted thanks to his effort, and the help of his “merry men and women”; you know who I mean 😉 and not to his “cape”, as he thought. 


Congratulations amazing Robin/ Roberto, and thank you so much for a valuable piece of advice!!