Global Scholars: Bottle Challenge a 2n d’ESO

Dins de l’optativa de Global Scholars i després d’haver treballat durant tot el curs la Natura i el nostre entorn, aquest 3r trimestre hem realitzat El repte de l’ampolla com a Community Action Project. Esperem que us agradi!

A plastic bottle recycling challenge can be a fun and impactful way to raise awareness about environmental sustainability. Here are the ideas we organized to execute a Plastic Bottle Recycling Challenge:

  • Objective: Collect and recycle as many plastic bottles as possible within a set time frame.
  • Participants: Students and teachers.
  • Duration: One week.
  • Reward: An aluminium personalised Global Scholars bottle

By organizing a plastic bottle recycling challenge, we can make a positive impact on the environment while fostering community spirit and raising awareness about the importance of recycling in our school.

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