Teatre en anglès i4 – i5

This week, we enjoyed an English theater about a story that almost all of us already knew: 
Little Red Riding Hood, but this one was not quite what we thought, it was a slightly different version. 
We really liked it, we sang and danced and enjoyed it a lot. 
In the classroom we leave you the audio of the story so you can listen to it at home and watch 
and dance the songs.

Aquesta setmana ens han vingut a fer un teatre in English sobre un conte que gairebé tots ja coneixíem: 
Little Red Riding Hood, però aquest no era del tot com creiem, ha estat una versió una mica diferent.
 Ens ha agradat moltíssim, hem cantat i ballat i l'hem gaudit molt. 
Al classroom us deixem l'audio del conte per que el pugueu escoltar a casa i veure i ballar les cançons.

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