Elephant toothpaste experiment!

Hi there!

Our 6th-grade students are currently immersed in the captivating realm of chemical reactions through the engaging “Elephant Toothpaste” experiment. In this hands-on activity, they are unraveling the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide, catalyzed to create an exuberant explosion of foam accompanied by a vivid array of colors.

This experiment not only deepens their comprehension of chemical reactions but also provides a dynamic opportunity to practically apply the scientific principles learned in their classrooms.

Do you want to see some photos?

7 comentaris

  1. Leo

    The Elephant toothpaste, is an interesting experiment for do in calss because the material is easy to buy an is very beatyful see the eruption of the glas, and it was colorful. I like this tipe of activities, I hope to repeat.

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