Our healthy breakfast – GEP

Avui era el dia! Després de cinc sessions treballant dur i preparant el nostre esmorzar saludable, aquest matí hem compartit les nostres propostes amb els companys i companyes.

Vam començar descobrint el sucre que hi ha en molts dels nostres aliments diaris. Després d’investigar sobre els diferents grups d’aliments a través de rutines de pensament, jocs de cartes i l’ús d’ipads, vam dissenyar el nostre plat de Harvard. Tot seguit, en grups, vam planificar el nostre esmorzar saludable. I finalment, el vam compartir entre tots i totes!


Today is the day!! After five sessions working hard and preparing our healthy breakfast, this morning we’ve shared our proposals with all our mates.

We started by finding out how much sugar are there in our daily food. After working on the different food groups through some thinking routines, card games and the use of ipads, we designed our Harvard plate. Finally, we planned in groups a proposal of a healthy breakfast. And the final step: we shared it with all our classmates.

It was YUMMY!



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