The Little Prince characters game

The Little Prince class have handmade a game related to the characeres that appear in the Little Prince book.
Apart from the Little Prince, the aviator, the rose and the fox there are also such as characters as; the Lamplighter, the King, The Conceited Man, The Businessman, The drinker and the Geographer.
Hope you like it!

Jocs d’aigua a 5è

El passat dilluns els Petits Prínceps vam poder gaudir d’una fantàstica activitat de jocs d’aigua.
Vam fer diverses dinàmiques i finalment vam fer guerra d’aigua.
I com que el dia acompanyava ens ho vam passar pipa!!

Natural Wonders

As the Massagrans love Nature and we can’t travel to other countries we are working on natural Wonders on the chromebooks.

We have discovered the most famous Natural Wonders and famous places in the world created by humans.

To be continued…

The Little Prince and the six Planets

The Little Prince is travelling around the Universe and he finds six other Planets:

On the first Planet there is the King.

On the second planet there is the Conceited man.

On the third Planet teher is the Businessman.

On the fourth Planet there is the Drunkard.

On the fifth Planet there is the Geographer.

On the sixth Planet there is the Lamplighter.

We have played a Guessing game !!

Xerrada del Mosso

El passat dimecres va venir el Rubén del cos dels Mossos d’Esquadra a fer-nos una xerrada sobre el correcte ús de les xarxes socials.
Ens va donar moltes eines per fer un bon ús de mòbils, tablets ordenadors i videoconsoles. També ens va explicar molts casos reals de cosses que estan passant
i ara tots els petits prínceps ja sabem què és el que hem de fer per navegar amb seguretat per les xarxes.

Va ser una conversa molt interessant i, el més important, ara ja coneixem els perills que envolten les xarxes i també sabem com fer-ne un bon ús.


















Gràcies Rubén!

Petits Prínceps


After learnig about Amelia Earhart biography the Little Princes class continues the jobs research.

At the moment we are studying the jobs in English and we have done an information gap activity in pairs.

Student A has one information and student B has to guess it, and the other way round.

It’s been very funny and interesting!! 😉




After visiting the aerodrome the Little Prince class have been working on Amelia’s biography.

  • We have read about her life.
  • We have discovered:
    • Why she is famous for: Amelia was the first woman pilot to fly over the Atlantic by herself.
    • She wanted a bigger challenge: .She wanted to fly around the world
      • We have placed the countries she flew over on the worldwide map.

We have also made activities and  played games with the vocabulary. Here below you can see some pictures:

Later on we have taken advantage of Amelia’s biography to work on Woman’s day:

  • The LP have learned the JOBS vocabulary. And
  • Each student has searched info about which jobs do men and which do women and its percentage.

We have put in common the info and here we have some of the results:


It’s been a very interesting activty!


And it’s a project to be continued!!




Patis en joc!

Els Tintins trobàvem a faltar poder-nos embrutar al sorral aquest curs, i és per això que vam escriure una carta a l’equip directiu durant el primer trimestre demanant material per jugar-hi; i per fi ha arribat! Alhora, enyorem moltíssim les diferents propostes de patis en joc que teníem els cursos anteriors. És per això que des de fa dues setmanes la Comunitat de Grans disposem de nou material al pati. Cada setmana tindrem materials diferents per jugar: pilotes gegants, guixos amb propostes, xanques, cercles i cordes. També hem començat diferents tornejos setmanals que anirem ampliant al llarg del tercer trimestre i hem reobert el rocòdrom.



The Massagrans have started with measures and adjectives.

How tall are you?

Do you know how long is your leg? and your arm?







After measuring our measures we have compared with our classmates!

Now we are working on adjectives related to people and nature.

Do you know what is the longest river in Spain?
Do you know what is the highest mountain in Catalonia?