Dones que admiro – Women I admire

Els alumnes de Català 1 i d’Anglès 1 parlen de dones admirades. Properes o famoses
totes signifiquen alguna cosa per a ells i elles. En format exposició (català) o en format
web (anglès), totes hi són!

“I admire my mother because she is very important for me, she is my best friend and she
cooks very nice, specially dumplings.”

“I admire my mum a lot because she works hard to give me and my brothers the best
always, getting us ahead. Happy Women’s Day!”

“A woman I admire is Marie Curie, because of her studies and discovers about radioactivity.”

“I admire Agatha Christie, a British novelist, because she is specialised in detective novel,
creator of the famous Hercules Poirot.”

“I admire Hedi Lamar. She is an actress from the golden years of Hollywood and an
inventor. She invented the jump of frequency, which helped creating wi-fi, bluetooth and
satellite communication.”

“I admire my daughter because she is intelligent, a fighter and very persistant. She has two
children and she works hard to get them ahead.”

“I admire the doctor Alexandra Giraldo, Colombian, she works as an oncologist in the Vall
d’Hebron Hospital. She is a scientist and a writer.”

“I admire Michelle Obama because she helps the poorer citizens and military family
members. She is an example to follow for future ladies.”

“I admire my mother for being intelligent, professional and a responsible woman at her
work. Her job is to help others, she is a nurse. I miss you”

“A woman I admire is Valentina Tereshkova because she is a Russian astronaut, the first
woman to go to space. She is a scientist and she is 86 years old now.”

“I admire my mother because she has a very long life and very different. My mother has
three sons and a daughter and she is a good mum. Today she is 96 years old and children
form our family love her.”

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