DAY 5 – STEAM IN OULU – Rajakylän School

Aquest dijous hem visitat l’escola Rajakylän, situada a 7 km d’Oulu, que també està dins el programa FULLSTEAM. Hem començat amb una breu explicació de les STEAM dins l’escola i com les porten a terme dins l’aula.

Després hem pogut veure l’escola i tots els espais que tenen. Hem pogut veure la realitat escolar i com treballen els i les alumnes. Per últim, hem realitzat 3 workshops: un d’Scratch, un de Lego i un de micro:bits. Ha estat un dia molt profitós. Ens emportem moltes coses a la motxilla.

This Thursday we visited the Rajakylän school, located 7 km from Oulu, which is also part of the FULLSTEAM program. We started with a brief explanation of STEAM in the school and how they are carried out in the classroom.

Then we visited the school and all the spaces they have. We were able to see the reality of the school and how the students work. Finally, we held 3 workshops: one on Scratch, one on Lego and one on micro:bits. It has been a very profitable day. We took a lot of things with us in our backpacks.

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