Avui dimecres, ha estat el nostre tercer dia a Rimavská Sobota.
Ja ens hem mogut per l’escola com mestres autòctons i hem participat de sessions de mates, anglès i geografia.
Els més petits s’han interessat molt per la nostra escola i la nostra llengua.

A la tarda hem continuat endinsant-nos en la cultura i la gastronomia eslovaca. Mireu el plat de Halusky que ens han portat per sopar a les 16.30h!!!


Today was our third day in Rimavská Sobota.
We have already moved around the school as native teachers and we have participated in math, English and geography sessions
The little ones have been very interested in our school and our language.
In the afternoon we continued learning about Slovak culture and gastronomy. Look at the Halusky’s dish that they brought us for lunch at 16.30h!!!

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