Els comediants de 3r hem acomiadat el trimestre fent l’amic invisible i ballant molt!!!
Bones festes!!

6th graders and their eTwinning project

This December, our grade 6th is starting an eTwinning challenging project with schools from Slovenia, Germany and Italy. eTwinning is a community which is part of Erasmus+ (el Programa de la Unió Europea en matèria d’educació, formació, joventut i esport). Our project is called “Describe and draw”. This… Llegeix més»

Scottish efriends (part I)

Hi there,
4th graders are involved in an exchange project with a Scottish school. It consists in creating handmade Christmas cards and exchange them. Every card will include a message written in English and, after receiving the cards, each school will display them on a wall… Llegeix més»

Christmas eTwinning Project by 5th

5th level is developing the main activity for their eTwinning project with three different Turkish schools. Children from all schools involved are going to make and send handmade Christmas cards by traditional mail.
We are writing Christmas greetings in our handmade cards. In addition to this, we… Llegeix més»

El Benviure i La Marató de TV3

Dijous 12 de desembre l’AMPA de l’escola ha organitzat un berenar solidari per col·laborar a la Marató de TV3. També ha organitzat xerrades amb els i les alumnes i les seves famílies. L’Antonio Cabrera, dins de les activitats de La Marató de TV3, ens ha… Llegeix més»