Taller de percussió

Aquesta setmana els alumnes de 3r, 4t, 5è i 6è han participat en un taller de percussió amb el Jordi.
Han après a tocar el djembe i la darbuka, han pogut practicar diferents ritmes i fins i tot s’han atrevit a improvisar una mica!
Aquí teniu un… Llegeix més»

5th grade eTwinning project: Challenge accepted!

eTwinning promotes school collaboration in Europe through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and we are starting a project this term. Our partners are in the same grade we are but they live in Lappajärvi, Finland. During the second and third terms, we are… Llegeix més»

Taller de percussió

Aquesta setmana els alumnes de 5è i 6è hem fet un taller de percussió africana a l’escola. Hem pogut conèixer dos instruments d’òrigen africà: el djembe i la darbouka.
Hem après a tocar alguns ritmes tradicionals, podeu escoltar un tastet del taller!



Christmas eTwinning Project by 5th

5th level is developing the main activity for their eTwinning project with three different Turkish schools. Children from all schools involved are going to make and send handmade Christmas cards by traditional mail.
We are writing Christmas greetings in our handmade cards. In addition to this, we… Llegeix més»

eTwinning Project involving our 5th graders

We are now involved in an eTwinning project with two schools from Turkey. It is called:“New Year (Christmas) cards and Wishes”.
For students it is being an opportunity to learn about other cultures and experiment with English language.
Our first activity is to create a logo. Our… Llegeix més»