AVANCEM: segon curs

Els docents de llengües que estem fent la formació AVANCEM, també arribem al final del segon curs.

Us mostrem el póster final sobre les activitats del Delta de l’Ebre per l’alumnat de 1ESO.

No hem pogut marxar al Treball de síntesi, però tenim les activitats preparades per quan es pugui fer!!

E2E Pancake Day!

Pancake Day was celebrate last 25th February this year…and after some investigations about the day, we have celebrated our own Pancake Day!!! It has been an interesting experience and the pancakes were delicious!!! Yummy!!!

8th March

Today, the students of 3rd ESO C have decided to create something special to celebrate the International Women’s Day, 8th March.
As Martina Navratilova said, “I think the key is for women not to set any limits.” We’ll keep on fighting!!