Dia Internacional de la Llengua Materna

MARYORI I VALERIA (Alumnes de l’Aula d’Acollida)
Som els alumnes de l’aula d’acollida. Som de diferents països i tenim moltes diferències culturals com l’idioma, però estem aprenent català per comunicar-nos millor.
El dimecres 21 de febrer és el Dia Internacional de la Llengua Materna. Aquest dia ens… Llegeix més»

Immersive Course for BTX English students

If you are a BTX student and you comply with the following requirements, you are an eligible candidate for the scholarships provided by MEFPD (Ministerio de Educación Formación Profesional y Deportes):

  • Be born between January the 1st 2004 and December the 31st 2007.
  • Be in a BTX course in the 2023-2024 school year.
  • Have got a MEFPD scholarship to study BTX for the school year 2023-2024.
  • Have passed all the subjects of the school year 2022-2023 with a minimum mark of 9 in  the high school English class.

If you are an eligible candidate, you must fill in the online application form in the website : www.educacionyfp.gob.es by clicking Electronic office and then buscar trámites. Once there write “inglés” to find the 2024 programme and the instructions for the online application.

Deadline: Thursday, March the 21st at 3 PM


From Caledonia to Aqualata

From Caledonia, the Roman name for Scotland, alluding to the tribe living to the north of the River Forth whose “cal” strong, “donia” feet fought against and stopped the Roman invasion of Scotland, the artist David Vivanco descendant of this true brave Scottish tribe took 1st BTX students and teachers through a trip across the history, music, art and of course dances of the land to the north of England known as Scotland nowadays. We would like to thank students and teachers for their participation and cooperation in this workshop, masterly led by David Vivanco with his expertise and knowledge about his homeland.

Wildlife in the English class

Students of 3rd of ESO have been learning about wildlife while describing some of their favourite animals in class and linking each description with its corresponding picture. Here you have the results, with  a very well-organized text, the correct use of grammar and quite accurate vocabulary about wildlife around the world! you can also listen to the student’s reading if you want.… Llegeix més»