Exhibition of the final project of the subject English through films, pictures and personal journals.1r Batxillerat

This is an exhibition that shows the result of the optional subject English through films, pictures and personal journals. The core target of the project is for students to design their own diary made out of the compilation of activities assigned to them throughout the school year. In fact, the syllabus attempts to be a trip to one’s identity.

The starting point of each task is always a film whose analysis triggers personal reflections. For example, the movie Memento made us consider the importance of memories to build our selfness, or Boyhood was the perfect illustration for an exercise in which pupils had to mull over the turning points in their life. We’ve also worked with literary texts, pictures and paintings to rouse our creativity. For instance, photographer Duane Michals, and novelist Maggie O’Farrell have been the ideal inspiration for a narrative of a dream, or Ana Casas Broda can be a model when it comes to comprehending and explaining a family story.

On the whole, the subject tries to join together both writing and fine arts to give students the chance to develop their self-knowledge and their abilities to express themselves.

If you want to have a closer look at some samples of the final journals, just click on this link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Ns4pLkC8YXSjsZsW9