Rovellons had a surprise the other day… In the box there were 42 caterpillars! They were very happy and intrigued. Rovellons used magnifying lenses to observe the caterpillars and draw them. With the picture ready, they used the correct words from a list to write a text about caterpillars. The caterpillars are colour white (more greyish) and they eat mulberry leaves. Do you know what mulberry is? Ask Rovellons they know!


We are very excited because we are going to have a pet butterfly!

We are investigating pets and to learn about what it means to have a pet…

What pet can we have in the class? Rovellons thought that insects are small and can be in a cage. The question was… What insect? After talking about it we decided that the best insects were LADYBIRDS, STICK INSECTS, LEAF INSECTS and BUTTERFLIES. Then Rovellons voted (writing the name in English). After counting the votes we can say…

Rovellons will have pet butterflies!


Last week all the children from Mitjans and Grans had the opportunity to enjoy with a new theatre version of Robin. Robin was a rich girl that discovered that her parents’ factory was contaminanting the river.

The students had a good time singing the songs and following Robin’s adventures but the best moment was when three students got on stage and participated in the Garret’s Catwalk. How fun!


Yesterday we Jordi and Laura prepared a surprise… In the Petits playground there were a lot of small animals and Rovellons had to find them!  There were a lot of animals but only some were insects. Rovellons had to find the animals, count the legs and decide if it was an insect or not. Do you know that insects have 6 legs?

To remember the vocabulary, once in class, we played a memory game. It was FUN!


In class, we watched a video about a man that had a very small house. The man tried different pets but no pet was small enough. Rovellons discussed the best pet for a small house: a fish? a snake? a spider?

And then the question appeared: can insects be pets?  Rovellons discovered the words WORMS, BUTTERFLIES, STICK INSECTS, BEETLES…

To Rovellons surprise, Laura explained that she has some pet butterflies at home and she has some eggs to give us!   Can we take care of some silkworms?


Rovellons have been discussing what animals could be pets and they learned a lot of animal names in English. Do you know what animal is a squirrel? Can it be a pet?
They have also listened to the song ” I have a pet” (click Llegeix més»