During this second quarter, the 5th group, which has been part of the Show must go on atmosphere, has practiced writing, searched for vocabulary by interpreting the part of the television show it had chosen. They have formed 4 groups. These groups consisted of two members working more intensively on news, interviews, adds, or stories. They proposed transforming interviews in a Reality Show and advertisements in the recommendations of a game through an Internet channel The group has gradually improved. Within the group’s final reflection they shared and agreed that it is not so easy to perform any of the activities that form part of our television programme. But they had enjoyed it. We’ll wait for the third edition. VIDEO

Durant aquest segon trimestre el grup de 5è ,que ha format part de l’ambient de Show must go on , ha practicat l’escriptura, ha cercat vocabulari interpretant la part del programa de televisió que havia escollit. Han format 4 grups. Aquests grups estaven formats per dos integrants treballant més intensament les notícies, les entrevistes, els anuncis o bé les històries. Van proposar  transformar les entrevistes en un Reality Show i els anuncis en les recomanacions d’un joc a través  d’un canal d’internet  El grup ha anat millorant poc a poc. Dins la reflexió final de grup van compartir i coincidir en expressar què no és tan fàcil realitzar qualsevol de les activitats que formen part del nostre programa de televisió. Però que havien gaudit força. Esperarem la tercera edició. VIDEO



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