
In the last Art lesson 6th graders did a funny experiment: we create slime! Slime is not only an amazing, tactile sensory experience, it also promotes mindfulness, helps children focus, encourages them to play independently, promotes fine motor skills, and is calming. We created it using three basic ingredients: white glue, sodium bicarbonate and contact lens liquid.

First of all, we added white glue in a clear plastic cup (about 50ml). Then, we added half of a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate and a whole spoon of contact lens liquid. In addition, we added a drop of paint to give it some color. Everything is stirring well and our Slime is ready. We touched and retouched it as much as we wanted and then put it in a plastic cup and we covered it ready to go home. The result is amazing. You can see some photos here.

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