A thief!

Last Friday, during the English Day afternoon, students in 5th and in 6th year enjoyed a fantastic game prepared by some students from Institut La Roca. We had great fun trying to solve some games and questions.
Would you like to see some images? You can… Llegeix més»

Aniversaris del mes (P5A)

Tota la classe dels Guepards volem felicitar al Josep, al Christian, al Pol i a la Luna perquè al llarg d’aquest mes hem celebrat els seus aniversaris.
Moltes felicitats a tots!!!!
Així lluïen les seves corones.

English Day

Today we’ve been celebrating the English Day in La Torreta. We watched the TorretaVision show, which was amazing! After that, we’ve been doing some workshops that other classes prepared. Our crafts and dances were really cool! After lunch, we did some activities in the afternoon.… Llegeix més»

Easter Egg Hunt

Easter is arriving and for this reason during the week all pupils from P3 to P5 have done an egg hunt.
We enjoyed the activity a lot and savored the delicious chocolate!
Here you can find some of the pictures.


Avui, les suricates de sisè s’han posat en la pell de periodistes de telenotícies per explicar alguns fets importants de l’edat Contemporània i per parlar d’alguns personatges significatius de l’època. La retransmissió en temps real ha estat un èxit.
Podeu veure la gravació, la retransmissió en… Llegeix més»