Weather sensory bottles (P3)

In P3 we have just started to introduce the weather routine in English:
“What’s the weather like today?”
The weather sensory bottles helped us to be concentrated and what’s more, motivated!! We loved to shake the bottles and discover the different kinds of weather: sunny, rainy, snowy… Llegeix més»

Classroom materials P5

In English we have a friend… a Lion called John! He goes to school like us…
The football players were very curious to discover what was inside his pencil case…


We played different games to learn, too! We love playing and learning English. Here you can… Llegeix més»

Receptes de pizza

L’alumnat de 2n ha estat aprenent a escriure un text instructiu, com és el cas d’una recepta. Per això hem fet moltes activitats per llegir receptes, veure-les i fins i tot, les hem fet…amb plastilina!
Fixeu-vos quines pizzes hem fet amb plastilina, però pensant ingredients de… Llegeix més»