GEP 3r: All about plants! Lesson 5


Resultat d'imatges de pollinationIn this fifth lesson we have worked on the reproduction in plants (asexual: spores and cutting, and sexual: pollination).

First, we watched some videos from youtube about the reproduction in plants:

Asexual reproduction- vegetative propagation. Parts of a flower and pollination.

Then, we presented the contents of the unit using a Powerpoint presentation.

After that, we work in pairs: In groups of two, students had to order some pictures to explain the process of asexual reproduction of roses (cutting system) We had a poster to stick the pictures on it. Then we explained the reasons to choose this order.

And later they did a personal task: Individually, students had to complete a worksheet with a letter soup with words related to the topic. Afterwards, they used this words to complete a text which explains the process of pollination. The text could be completed in pairs.

To finish every group watered the seeds in their glasses.

It was an intensive session, but we learned a lot about the reproduction of the plants.


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