GEP 3r: All about plants! Lesson 4

In this fourth session we remembered some concepts of the last days, we developed an experiment with a bean and also we learnt the life cycle of a plant.

The activities we did were:

  1. Plant life cycle: To introduce the life cycle of a plant, first we watched some videos about “How does a plant grow?” and “Seed Germination”.
  2. Afterwards, pupils have worked in groups of 4. They needed to order the five parts of the process and stick them in the A3 paper. Once all the groups had finished, we placed all the ideas in common.
  3. Experiment: Growing beans (first of all, we explained the process of how a plant grows giving the pupils a worksheet explanation). Then we put a bean in a glass with cotton and watered it. The observation will be done in a future session. We will follow the Scientific Method.

We hope that our seeds will grow very much!

Families, you can see the photos here.

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