GEP 3r: All about plants! Lesson 3

Hello everybody!

In this third session we reviewed all we did during the session 1 (parts of a plant) and session 2 (concept of flowering and non-flowering plants) and we kept working on the classification of plants depending on their characteristics. We focused on the following ones: cultivated plants, wild plants, tree, bush and plant.

These are the activities we did:

  1. Differences between cultivated plants and wild plants: We showed our students some pictures and they had to find the differences between the two types of plants. We did this activity orally in big group.
  2. Worksheet cultivated and wild plants: Individually, they had to apply the new concepts. They had to look at the different pictures and classify them. To do it, they had to color the wild ones in green and the cultivated ones in orange.
  3. We did an activity about symmetry! Pupils had to draw and color the half of the image given.

We enjoyed this lesson very much! We want to keep learning and discover more about plants!

You can find all the photographs of the session by clicking here.

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