Animals! GEP time for Golems.

Our group of 4th graders had been working on our GEP project called: Let’s learn about animals!

It’s been a lot along six sessions. They were high motivated to learn as much as possible about animals kingdom.

  • In Session 1 they played with a dictogloss from the Fairy Tale “What’s that noise?” to get in touch with the main topic and some of the vocabulary. 
  • In Session 2 they enjoyed learning about animals classification according to how is its body.
  • In the third session they learnt about how many different type of animals are according to its nutrition.
  • In the fourth session they worked on animals reproduction.
  • In session 5 and 6, our students studied the relation between animals and humans.

Emily, who is our English assistant, has been helping us in all the sessions.

Now is time for they to prepare the final poster and its presentation of the animal project. Be patient, in a few days you’ll have the opportunity to watch them! For a while, you can enjoy the pictures from sessions 1 to 6.


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