Describing a picture

In the picture, on the left there is a boy playing football. On the right there is one beautiful girl playing with her dog. They are playing hopscotch. In the bottom left hand corner there are two children playing with the water of a small lake (pond). In bottom right hand corner there are two boys and a girl jumping the rope (skipping over the rope). On the right there is a girl rocking (swinging) in the tree. At the top there are two colourful balloons and a bright sun.
In the middle there is a boy juggling and singing a song and in the background there is a girl jumping.
In the top left hand corner there is a girl playing with a kite. 

Group 2

In the top right there is the sun. On the right there are a tree and one girl swinging and there are a girl and a dog playing hopscotch. In the top left hand corner there is a colourful kite. On the left there is a boy playing football. In the bottom left hand corner there are two children playing with the water in a small pond. In this pond there are three ducks. In the middle there is a boy juggling and in the background there is a girl leaving two balloons. At the top there are the balloons.  In the bottom right hand corner there are three children skipping over the rope. 

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