5th grade eTwinning project: Challenge accepted!


eTwinning promotes school collaboration in Europe through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and we are starting a project this term. Our partners are in the same grade we are but they live in Lappajärvi, Finland. During the second and third terms, we are going to work in cooperative groups for completing two different tasks, to enjoy “Meet” conference calls, and to share questions and comments in different communicative ways. Incredible isn’t it? This international project is called “Challenge accepted”.

Task 1: Describe yourself and draw your efriend using her/his own description. Add physical details and extra information (hobbies, pets, family, etc).

We sent our descriptions and as we received their writings, here you have a sample of our drawing for them:

These are their drawings:

Made with Padlet

If you would like to know a little bit more about this project or to follow our process, this is our eTwinnig twinspace.


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