Etwinning Project : Against Corona : Online Culture Show

A group of students of 4th ESO  are taking part in an e-twinning project  called “Against corona: online culture show”.

Schools from different European countries are involved in this innovative  project.  One of the first tasks we were asked to do was to introduce ourselves and  create a logo for our project using  new technologies.

Our partners from Turkey did the same and we shared the results on the etwinning platform.  We met our partners in the “Chatroom “ and talked about culture. 

We are sure we will learn a lot about different cultures as well as how to use different  Web 2.0 tools.

Llum, Història, acció!

Els intèrprets es troben a escena, es prepara la càmera, la directora demana silenci i… acció! Comença l’aventura d’interpretar la història!

L’alumnat de 4t d’ESO ha posat en marxa les seves habilitats creatives, interpretatives i, també, d’investigació per fer de la història un guió “de pel·lícula”.