ECHE ERASMUS + Charter For Higher Education 2021-2027





Aquest curs tornem a posar en marxa el programa de mobilitat Erasmus + per tal que aquells alumnes que estigueu interessats en realitzar les pràctiques en empreses (FPCT) a l’estranger pugueu formar-hi part.

El termini de presentació de sol·licituds  comença el 23 de setembre fins el divendres 7 desembre de 2023 (ambdós inclosos).

Els alumnes interessats cal que enviïn aquest model de Sol·licitud  al correu de la coordinació de mobilitat dins del termini establert.

Podeu consultar les puntuacions dels candidats a participar en l’Erasmus 23/24 a partir del 22 de gener del 2024 en els següents enllaços:

Erasmus + Automoció 23/24 Baremació

Període de reclamacions de resultats de 22 al 2 de febrer de 2024 en el mateix correu de la sol·licitud.
  • Consisteix en cursar total o parcialment el Mòdul de Formació Pràctica en Centre de Treball (FPCT) en una empresa d’un altre país.
  • Oferim des de l’Institut als nostres estudiant de CFGS la possibilitat d’ampliar la formació, mitjançant una estada professional a l’estranger.
  • Enguany es participarà CFGS:

  Automoció                           Bergamo (Itàlia)

  La durada de l’estada és de 30 dies aproximadament segons el programa vigent.

  • Es rep la subvenció de la Comissió Europea.
  • Presentació i Estada a l’empresa
  • Pactar les activitats que pot fer en el PA
  • Fer el seguiment pel qBid
  • Complir l’horari que s’hagi acordat amb l’empresa.
  • Visites culturals en els dies de lleure.
  • Valoració en els Centre de Treball
  • Hi haurà professor/a acompanyant només a l’inici i finalització de l’estada.
  • Reconeixement de pràctiques a l’estranger Erasmus + HE
  • El coneixement de la realitat europea, tant en el fet diferencial de la llengua, cultura i la història com en el que tenen de comú tots els Estats i les nacions que formen Europa, ja que això és bàsic per poder participar plenament en la construcció de l’Europa d’avui i del futur.
  • L’objectiu de les estades en empreses es basen en tres punts primordials: el professional, (fer part de la FPCT en una empresa estrangera), el lingüístic i el cultural.
  • En el camp educatiu i professional, poder conèixer altres maneres de fer per valorar i millorar, si cal, els mètodes propis de formació acadèmica i professional, així com promoure la integració i l’intercanvi d’experiències dels nostres alumnes amb alumnes estrangers i amb els treballadors de les empreses a on es facin les pràctiques.
  • Potenciar les actituds de respecte vers altres cultures i altres maneres de viure.
  • Presentar el país d’acollida (geografia, història, cultura, llengua, etc.)
  • Reforçar la llengua del país d’acollida o la llengua de comunicació per afavorir la interrelació cultural i personal.
  • Analitzar i intercanviar coneixements sobre les capacitats que ha de tenir un bon professional de la perruqueria ambdós països per veure’n les diferències i les semblances.
  • Motivar la formació permanent com a eina bàsica d’incorporació al món productiu.
  • Fer pràctiques en empreses d’un altre país per veure’n el funcionament i entendre millor el que vol dir la integració europea.
  • Relacionar-se amb gent d’un altre país i una altra cultura i llengua per afavorir les actituds de solidaritat i tolerància.


L’Institut Narcís Monturiol de Figueres va presentar amb èxit la sol·licitud per a l’obtenció de la Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) en la convocatòria per al període del 2021 al 2027 .

Si la Carta Erasmus per Educació Superior és atorgada, permetrà als estudiants, professors i personal de l’institut dedicats als estudis de formació professional de Cicles Formatius de Grau Superior, participar en projectes de mobilitat europea dins del marc del programa europeu Erasmus. En un primer pas, es vol aconseguir que els estudiants interessats, puguin tenir l’oportunitat de realitzar pràctiques en empreses o institucions d’altres països, amb una durada mínima de dos mesos. En el nostre institut s’imparteix actualment el Cicle Formatiu de Grau Superior :


En la sol·licitud esmentada, es fa referència a l’ organització, els principis fonamentals, la política lingüística i la declaració de política Erasmus del nostre Institut en els següents termes :


Our institution puts an entire structure for the international mobility.There is a person of the administrative and a concierge assigned to tasks related to these activities.There are three coordinators of international mobility. One coordinator is responsible for the projects related to students from ESO (Secondary Compulsory Education) and Baccalaureate courses. The 2nd is responsible for the projects related to vocational training. A 3rd coordinator is responsible for the projects affecting Higher Education Telecommunications and Computer Systems and Automotive).

Each coordinator is in touch with the contact from de Regional Ministry and works with the tutors of the different courses. The information is flowing in both directions through the coordinator, Regional Ministry of Education, coordinator, tutors/teachers and students.


In the HE courses of Automotive (CFGS Automoció) ( , which is designed by Regional Ministry of Education, there is a subject (FPCT) consisting in traineeships in companies. Our students taking part in international projects that involve traineeships in companies, are monitored and evaluated by their tutor and there is a recognition for the FPCT, all this is recorded through a web application ( . At the end of the placement, some documents will have been generated: the training agreement, the evaluation document, a certificate from the company and Europass documentation.Our institution will award and recognize ECTS credits, their number depends on the course and the number of hours. Everything done abroad has a recognition.


The High Education courses taught at our Institution, Automotive ( CFGS Automoció) is designed by the Regional Ministry of Education and published in its website ( and also in our website (

Our institution’s policy language relies on encouraging, motivating and supporting the students and the staff for the language training, in our Region, people are well aware of this, because we live in a bilingual society due to two languages coexists. Our Institution emphasizes the European aspect of teaching and specifies that will promote all kinds of efforts to work with institutions in other countries. Some subjects are taught in English in the HE course of Telecommunications and Computer Systems, and always before mobility we try to intensify the language proficiency through an intensive course of English, taught by teachers from our or outside of the Institution.

Mentoring and supporting are similar for incoming and outgoing students. They are received institutionally, meet the tutors who will assist them during mobility. Periodically, every 2 weeks there will be a personal contact via e-mail , phone or video conference. Students will inform about their activities. When monitoring our students abroad, we will use the web application: , where they inform about the activities done in the company and their assessment and where the tutor do the monitoring.

All participants are well looked after and the coordinators and tutors are available for helping them with any issues they may have like finding accommodation, assistance with mobility in the area and others.

Incoming participants are welcomed and invited to take part in activities organized to learn about around where they will live for a period of time, which mainly consist on activities carried out interacting with students and staff from our institution, such as attendance and participation in some classes, providing resources for learning and improvement of the language,… .The coordinator will be responsible for this information to being available.

Mobility achievements of our students for traineeships in enterprises are automatically recognized because traineeship in companies is a compulsory subject in the curriculum of the students of Higher Education (CFGS). In our HE courses we will award and recognize ECTS credits, the number will depend on the course and on the number of hours. When concerning to study mobility we will follow the ECVET criteria.

Apart from all recorded in the web application , some documents will have been generated: the training agreement, the evaluation document, a certificate from the company and also Europass documentation.


ECVET criteria


Our international strategy is based on a long experience taking part in different European mobility projects. Our institution, from its foundation in 1977, has always been involved in activities related to students vocational training not only in our area, but also in working experiences abroad.

Trough the public calls for proposals of the Ministry of Education of the Government of Catalonia, we have been actively participated in European programs, made agreements with companies and schools and created strong links and partnerships in different European countries with some of these schools and companies. One of the first was the “Ridge

Danyers College” and the Borough of Stcockport in England in the frame of the EWE (European Working Exchange) program promoted by the Catalan Goverment, and then followed others from different European cities, Perpignan (France), Grenoble (France), Bergamo (Italy), Duisburg (Germany), Immenstaad (Germany), Ambérieu-en-Bugey (France), Bordeaux (France), Kempten (Germany), Montpellier (France), Lyon (France),….

Our institution is a member of a European program network, the European Week Conference (Euroweek), which is an international student conference. Every year the students and teachers taking part in it, experience the European spirit by debating about and working together on issues related to Europe. In 2003 our Institution was the responsible of organizing the event in Figueres. We are also involved in Comenius European projects, last year for instance the meeting was in Tallin (Estonia) .

Students and teachers of Telecommunications and Computer Systems from our HEI and from Vocational training about Telecomunications take part regularly in an exchange with students and teachers from “Staatliche Berufsschule I” of Kempten (Germany) in the frame of that was, until recently, named the Leonardo European project,. Last October we hosted 15 students and 2 teachers from Kempten providing them accommodation, work placements and other activities during three weeks. Now, we are planning to go to Kempten next October in reciprocity with a group of our students.

Most indicated contacts have been made through the Ministry of Education of the Government of Catalonia, and from these contacts, we have made others. Mainly, we have partners in Germany and France and use as a communication language, English and French, but always trying to use basic forms of the language of the country when is none of the two languages mentioned.

Our institution, from its long experience in international exchanges wants go further and give our HEI students the opportunity for long term stays in vocational training and provide the same to students from all around Europe . Is our will actively participate in the creation of the common European space offering our collaboration and providing opportunities for work experiences. This is for us not only a valuable cultural and personal experience, but also our way of contributing to abetter understanding between people and to the construction of the European Union.

Therefore these are our objectives :

-knowledge of another socio-cultural environment

-knowledge of different working methodologies

-experiences for personal and professional growth

-increasing our network of contacts (friends, schools and companies)

-exchange of experiences

-enhance the knowledge of foreign languages

Now, the main activity we would like to implement is giving and offering HEI students the opportunity for long-term working experiences, as a first step to participate in exchanges of teachers and multilateral projects.

In our institution, everybody is aware of international mobility programs, a feature of our institution which is included in its strategic documents, is non-discrimination on the basis of origin, race, religion, sex , disabilities, socioeconomic status… Our Institution has an Educational Project which contents our educational philosophy and its guidelines, some of them are :

“The integration of all the students reinforcing the general values of coexistence, tolerance and respect for people and the social and natural environment.

The Democratic values that will guide our work .

The gender equality is a fundamental feature present in our actions.

The focusing of our actions oriented to we all learn to live together.

The Human Rights respect.”

All participants in international projects are well looked after and the coordinators and tutors are available for helping with any issues they may have like for instance, finding accommodation, obtaining of grants, assistance with mobility in the area… In our facilities, lifts are available for disabled people.