The Big Challenge

This is the third year in a row that our students take part in the Big Challenge contest. The highest score this year has been obtained by Carla Martínez Pujante, a student from 3rd A. Not only has Carla obtained the highest score in our high school but she has also acquired the fifth position of almost a thousand 3rd of ESO students who have participated in this contest in Catalonia. This fact is more relevant when we take into account that this year the dynamics of the contest has been changed as it has become an online test and it included a quite large amount of oral comprehension questios, which made the test tougher.


Per tercer any consecutiu, alguns alumnes del Institut Can Mas han participat al concurs d’anglès ‘The Big Challenge’. L’alumna que ha aconseguit la millor puntuació del centre aquesta edició ha estat la Carla Martínez Pujante de 3r A. A més, dels 933 alumnes que participaven a Catalunya en el nivell de 3r d’ESO, la Carla ha quedat en cinquena posició. Aquest any els organitzadors han canviat el format i l’han fet online. D’aquesta manera han integrat moltes preguntes de comprensió oral, cosa que ha complicat més la prova i dona més en valor el resultat obtingut.