Fiction Express

Aquest curs el departament de Llengües Estrangeres hem decidit fomentar l’hàbit de la lectura en llengua anglesa a través de la plataforma online Fiction Express. Aquesta innovadora eina ha estat dissenyada per ajudar els alumnes a millorar la comprensió lectora a través de la participació.

En aquest sentit l’equip de Fiction Express ha premiat l’alumna Astrid López García de 1r de Batxillerat B amb un certificat d’aptitud per la seva excepcional aportació al fòrum del llibre The Dream Bandit de l’autor Alex Woolf. CONGRATULATIONS, ASTRID!!

This is the comment: I would like to see the past. I know that’s not the kind of power they have, so I’d like to travel to Hawaii from other people’s dreams. And, if no one dreams of Hawaii, then Japan, China or a simple desert. I like exotic areas, although China and Japan are very popular today. I would only go because they have beautiful places and wonderful traditions. That is, do you know how great the small celebration that gives way to the blossoming of cherry trees is? Or how beautiful does the night sky look with a thousand paper lamps illuminating its darkness? I would love to live that! I don’t think I’m the only person capable of dreaming something like that. Where could I go for pleasure, if not?

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