UniStem Day 2018

Els alumnes de Biologia de 1r i 2n de batxillerat han participat a l’UniStem Day 2018 celebrat el 16 de març al paranimf de la facultat de Medicina de la Universitat de Barcelona (Hospital Clínic).

L’UniStem Day és l’esdeveniment de divulgació sobre cèl·lules mare més gran d’Europa i compleix el seu desè aniversari el 2018. La jornada és una oportunitat per a l’aprenentatge, el descobriment i la discussió sobre la investigació amb cèl·lules mare. L’esdeveniment es realitza de manera simultània entre diverses universitats d’Europa, incloent els països d’Espanya, Itàlia i Alemanya.

A Espanya, participen universitats de diverses comunitats que, juntament amb centres d’investigació, organitzen esdeveniments específics.

What is UniStem Day?

UniStem Day is a one-day meeting organized for high school students since 2009. This event solely dedicated to the dissemination and outreach of stem cell science and research provides an opportunity to foster learning, discovery and debate by involving students and teachers in a variety of activities. The event showcases cutting edge research, paints a picture of the daily work of a scientist, and explores the mechanisms behind scientific breakthroughs, including the cultural expectations. By offering lessons, debates, visits at the laboratories and recreational moments, the students engage with the concepts and methodologies involved in stem cell research. They will gain an appreciation for science and that it can be fun and it builds personal character based on evidence, perseverance and integrity. As in the previous years, UNISTEM DAY 2018 will bring together Universities and High Schools from all over Europe by involving 74 European Universities in Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, UK and Hungary.

UniStem is the Centre for Stem Cell Research of the University of Milan founded in 2006 by E. Cattaneo, G. Cossu, F. Gandolfi, Y. Torrente and joined by G. Testa in 2015. The 2018 UNISTEM DAY event is part of the activities of scientific dissemination on stem cells promoted by the Centre.

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