How are we going to school?


This pie chart shows the percentages of types of transportation used by the 113 students to come to Salvador Espriu school*


a) How many students come to school by bicycle?

b) How many students do not walk to school?

c)  How many students come to school in a car?


*the data used may not be real

19 comentaris

  1. Marc Aleu

    1) Its go to school 22,6 students in bicycle.
    2) Its go to school 56,5 students don’t walk.
    3) Its go to school 33,6 students in car.
    🙂 🙂

  2. Marc Aleu

    1) Its go to school 26 students in bicycle. Aprox.
    2) Its go to school 64 students don’t walk. Aprox.
    3) Its go to school 38 students in car. Aprox
    Im the first 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  3. gheorghe

    1)22,6/100=0,226 x 113= 25
    Its go to schol 25 students in bicycle Aprox.

    2)56,5/100 =0,655 x 113=64
    64 students don’t walk Aprox.

    3)33,9/100=0,339 x 113=38
    Its go to schol 38 students in car Aprox.

  4. marc

    22,6/100=0,226 x 113= 25
    Its go to school 25 students in bicycle Aprox.
    2)56,5/100 =0,655 x 113=64
    64 students don’t walk Aprox.
    3)33,9/100=0,339 x 113=38
    Its go to school 38 students in car Aprox.

  5. MonsterMiguel

    1-go to school 26 students in bicycle.(Aprox.)
    2-go to school 64 students don’t walk.(Aprox.)
    3-go to school 38 students in car.(Aprox.)

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