Santa Fe del Montseny

El passat dijous, els nens i nenes de 5è vam visitar Santa Fe del Montseny. Un cop allà, vam conèixer les diferents plantes i espècies d’animals que hi habiten, i també vam aprendre a distingir els cursos d’un riu o analitzar la qualitat de l’aigua. A més, amb l’ajuda de salabrets, lupes i gibrelles, vam poder agafar animals que viuen al riu, com ara les efímeres o les perles, entre d’altres.


Summer work

Hello dear students! Here I leave you the link to the listening activity that is indicated in your “Quadernet d’estiu“. Enjoy the summer!

Click on the image below to do the activity

Last homework of the year

Here are the links to the last homework assignments for this course. Click on “fifth” or “sixth” depending on your course, write your name and answer all the questions. When you are done, click on “Enviar respostes” and we will receive your results. Remember that it is NOT necessary to send an e-mail because everything is automated. Thank you!


Fifth grade / cinquè:


Sixth grade / sisè:

Read about famous people

Hello dear students! This time Katy Perry and Lionel Messi show you about their everyday life. Read the text and then answer the questions about the reading. When you are done, click on “Finish!” and you will see the your mark and your correct and incorrect answers. Enjoy!

Click on an image to start

We have some new games for you!

Hello dear students! We are going to leave some games here for you to practice your English. Animals, colours, clothes… play the one you like best, although we will play them all!
Click on an image to play a game. Every time you finish, you can save your score and your name will appear on the ranking table. Enjoy!

Welcome to our ENGLISH BLOG!

Hello everyone! We are Mar, Paula and Alfonso. We are proud to welcome you to our ENGLISH BLOG! Here you will find activities, games and even tests to improve your English.

Always keep an eye on our blog, because it will be updated often with new resources for you to learn English… and many times you will learn English by playing! 😀

To open the blog, here’s a game you are really familiar with… just click on the image and press START on the green screen. ENJOY!
