6è: Year 6 project with The Netherlands #eTwinning / projecte #eTwinning amb Països Baixos

We are thrilled to share the exciting outcomes of the eTwinning project that we are developing with the school Wereldkidz in The Netherlands. Over the past few weeks, our Year 6 students have engaged in a creative exchange of their portraits.

In the initial phase of the project, each child from our school wrote a letter describing themselves physically to their partners. Their partners in The Netherlands did the same. When they all received each others’ letters, they had to draw their partners. After the excitement of receiving news from their penpals, our students had to focus and try to visualize and draw their penpals based solely on these descriptions.

This week, we have received the drawings from our Dutch partners, and the results are nothing short of remarkable. Some drawings are incredibly accurate, capturing the essence of our students with astonishing detail. Others may not precisely reflect the physical features described, but the beauty lies in the interpretation and effort put forth by each young artist.

Beyond the artistic creations, the most valuable aspect of this project is the learning experience it has provided to our 6th graders. They have discovered how words can be open to various interpretations, and the same description can lead to diverse visual representations. That is why accurate vocabulary, detailed written descriptions and a skillful reading comprehension are important when communicating, and even more so in a foreign language.

We look forward to further collaborations with our eTwinning partners in The Netherlands and hope to continue fostering connections that enrich the learning process of our students and contribute to a global perspective.


Durant els últims mesos, l’alumnat de 6è ha realitzat un projecte eTwinning amb l’escola Wereldkidz (Països Baixos) de descripció i dibuix dels seus retrats.

En el primer intercanvi, l’alumnat va escriure una carta amb la seva descripció física i poc després va rebre les descripcions dels seus companys i companyes neerlandesos. Amb aquesta descripció, els nostres farigolins i farigolines van retratar-los tal com deia la carta i imaginant aquells detalls que no s’especificaven. L’alumnat de la Wereldkids va fer el mateix i aquesta setmana hem rebut els retrats que ens han fet. Us podeu imaginar l’emoció del moment?

Més enllà de les creacions artístiques, aquest projecte ha posat èmfasi en la importància de l’ús d’un vocabulari precís i de fer descripcions detallades alhora de transmetre un missatge i els ha motivat per parar atenció i intentar entendre tot el que deia a les cartes per no deixar-se cap detall en el moment de fer els dibuixos i, tot això, en anglès!

Esperem amb moltes ganes futurs projectes i col·laboracions amb l’escola Wereldkidz!

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