Visual Thinking a CS

El passat divendres dia 11 de desembre va venir el pare de la Mariona i el Quique per ensenyar-nos  a fer uns mapes mentals i un resum que havíem treballat a classe (Les muses).
Ens va ensenyar diferents tècniques per poder organitzar informació i representar les… Llegeix més»


During this first period, children of CS have spent some time by learning English through the role-playing methodology. They have been actors and actresses for some days.Every class has been working on 3 different stories and these are the results.
I hope you enjoyed doing this… Llegeix més»


Today, November the 4th, the children of CS could finally enjoyed the musical workshops.
Àlex, from the Jumping Ducks company, came to work  with the children on the different songs thet every group had already chosen and practised before. It was a real and meaningful immersion… Llegeix més»


Yesterday, November the 3rd, the children of CM could finally enjoyed the musical workshops.
Àlex, from the Jumping Ducks company, came to work  with the children on the different songs thet every group had already chosen and practised before. It was a real and meaningful immersion… Llegeix més»


Des del dilluns dia 23 de novembre fins el divendres 27, a l’aula de música celebrem la setmana musical amb activitats diverses entre les quals hi ha una petita participació d’alguns i algunes alumnes voluntaris/es.
La proposta ha estat que els nens i nenes que saben… Llegeix més»