It is a fact that we live in a multicultural society where managing different languages and skills is a must. That is why INS El Cairat wants to give students the necessary tools to be competent in this society.

During school year 2015-16 our school was involved in the GEP project  (Grup Experimental Plurilingüe) fostered by the Generalitat de Catalunya. The aim of the project was to teach other subjects in foreign languages (mainly English) in order to improve the English level of the students. These subjects were “Computer Science” and “Let’s Speak Music”.

We continued with such an appealing project during 2016-17 and we increased the number of students who took part in the project with subjects such as Computer Science, Social Sciences and two optional subjects in English among other small projects within the regular classes.

And during this course (2017-18) the school continues offering a range of activities within the classes using English as a means of communication in order to prepare our students for the future. That is why this is the fourth year we offer extracurricular lessons to prepare our students for different official exams with an international recognition such as the Cambridge First Certificate in English (we are a Cambridge Preparation Centre) or DELF for French.

If you want to know more about this project, have a look at some of our everyday activities.

Entre les diferents activitats que es treballen des de l’institut per potenciar les llengües, destaquem:

Matèries optatives de francès i alemany a l’ESO.

Preparació per les proves oficials FIRST i DELF a 4tESO. 

Erasmus + Investeu. First European Young Research i IX Fòrum Intercomunitari d’Investigació Jove.

Els dies 20, 21, 22 i 23 de novembre ha tingut lloc el First European Young Research i IX Fòrum Intercomunitari d’Investigació  Jove (del que l’institut El Cairat és centre organitzador juntament amb el Colexio Alborada de Vigo), en ell han participat uns 130 alumnes de 13 escoles i instituts de Catalunya, Galícia i per primer cop d’Alemanya i Portugal.  Dotze alumnes nostres de Gust i Passió per Investigar, tots ells de tercer d’ESO han presentat els resultats de les seves recerques en llengua anglesa,  becats pel programa Erasmus + dins el projecte Investeu. Han escoltat diferents ponències de totes les branques del coneixement en anglès, castellà i gallec i a més han fet un taller sobre la llum i un altre sobre primers auxilis, i han gaudit visitant Baiona i els seus voltants, la ciutat de Vigo i han fet una excursió al Parc Nacional de les Illes Cies,  han conegut un munt de joves que com ells han fet recerques i han fet noves amistats. Felicitats a tots ells pel seu esforç i per les seves interessants recerques.

Setmana de la Ciència. Science in English

Thanks for joining us today in 4 new workshops of science in English. We have talked about and experienced different topics like:

  • SHORT TERM MEMORY: It disappears in a very short time, is it a good idea to use it to study for our exams?
  • SCIENTISTS AND THEIR DISCOVERIES: Can you match the name and picture of the scientists and the description of their invention?
  • LEFT-HANDED PEOPLE: We have made different tests to students to know if they are left- or right-handed and expressed the difficulties of doing some actions if you are a leftie.
  • THE READING PROCESS: Do we always understand everything we read? Texts are everywhere and we need to have full comprehension.

We have had a great time and our monitors from the 3rd grade of ESO in the workshops have done a great task in English.


To celebrate Science Week, the students of 1st of batxillerat will watch the film Hidden Figures, which is the story of three black women who made important contributions to the US space programme.

We strongly recommend this film because it’s an inspiring story about perseverance and triumph in the face of adversity.

Here is the link for the trailer. We hope it stirs your curiosity!