It is a fact that we live in a multicultural society where managing different languages and skills is a must. That is why INS El Cairat wants to give students the necessary tools to be competent in this society.

During school year 2015-16 our school was involved in the GEP project  (Grup Experimental Plurilingüe) fostered by the Generalitat de Catalunya. The aim of the project was to teach other subjects in foreign languages (mainly English) in order to improve the English level of the students. These subjects were “Computer Science” and “Let’s Speak Music”.

We continued with such an appealing project during 2016-17 and we increased the number of students who took part in the project with subjects such as Computer Science, Social Sciences and two optional subjects in English among other small projects within the regular classes.

And during this course (2017-18) the school continues offering a range of activities within the classes using English as a means of communication in order to prepare our students for the future. That is why this is the fourth year we offer extracurricular lessons to prepare our students for different official exams with an international recognition such as the Cambridge First Certificate in English (we are a Cambridge Preparation Centre) or DELF for French.

If you want to know more about this project, have a look at some of our everyday activities.

Entre les diferents activitats que es treballen des de l’institut per potenciar les llengües, destaquem:

Matèries optatives de francès i alemany a l’ESO.

Preparació per les proves oficials FIRST i DELF a 4tESO. 

Social Sciences GEP Project-November 2016

Dins el projecte GEP, els alumnes de 1rD van participar en una activitat de socials en anglès, van veure un vídeo sobre el Sistema Solar i en grups col·laboratius van respondre un qüestionari i van jugar a relacionar la imatge del planeta amb el seu nom i la informació que sortia en el vídeo sobre ell. Han après un munt de coses i han ampliat el seu vocabulari en anglès. L’ activitat ha estat molt ben acceptada per tots els grups.

As part of the GEP project, our students from 1st of ESO D participated in an activity in English inside the Social Sciences subject. They watched a video about the Solar System and working in collaborative groups they answered a survey and played a game where they had to match the image of a planet and its name with some information given in the video about this planet. They have learnt lots of things and they have widened their vocabulary in English. All the groups enjoyed the activity very much.

The USA elections arrive at our school-November 2016

These days, our students in 4th of ESO have learnt about the American electoral system both in the English and History classes. They searched for information about the main political parties and candidates in the presidential election. They have also created different “memes” about some historical political figures. And they will finally participate actively in the US election process.

Next week, on the 7th and 8th of November, we’ll find a link on our website where everybody will be able to vote for one of the two candidates: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

We’ll find out who is the best candidate for the White House according to our school community.

vote here


Les eleccions dels Estats Units arriben a la nostra escola

L’alumnat de 4t d’ESO ha estudiat el sistema electoral dels Estats Units a les classes d’anglès i història. Han cercat informació sobre els principals partits polítics i els candidats a les eleccions presidencials. A més, han creat diferents “memes” sobre algunes figures polítiques històriques d’aquell país.

La propera setmana, concretament els dies 7 i 8 de novembre, trobareu un link en la nostra pàgina web on podreu votar per un dels dos candidats :Donald Trump i Hillary Clinton.

Email vocabulary-October 2016


In the 1st level of ESO, Computer Science students have worked with the basic vocabulary related to emails and google accounts. They’ve made a collaborative presentation using google drive. The presentation has been printed and is hanged on the classroom wall.



Welcome Pace!!-October 2016

INS El Cairat welcomes Pace Bailey, our language assistant from the USA.

A group of students, together with some teachers and our headmistress, have prepared a welcome party with some special surprises for Pace, including the `practical lesson “Welcome to Catalonia” with interesting information about some very typical things from our country, a live guitar and singing performance and much more!

Our best wishes to Pace! This will be a wonderful experience for all of us!

Estades Lingüístiques a Irlanda (4 de juny)

S'ha produït un error en obtenir un àlbum extern. Comproveu l'adreça de l'àlbum. Ajuda.

Avui finalitzen les estades lingüístiques. Us recordem la informació sobre el vol de tornada:

Dissabte 4 de juny

Arribada avió 22:05

EI  564  SAT   4   JUN  DUBBCN   HK30  

Ahir va ser un dia molt intens per al nostre alumnat. Aquest és el resum de les seves activitats:

“Hem parlat sobre noves tecnologies i invents del segle XX. Hem fet també una presentació oral sobre una aplicació inventada per al mòbil.La millor presentació oral en grup ha guanyat un detall irlandès per a cada membre.

A la tarda, hem visitat Clonmacnoise, un cementiri celta i un dels més importants monestirs  del segle VI a Irlanda.”

Estades lingüístiques a Irlanda (3 de juny)

S'ha produït un error en obtenir un àlbum extern. Comproveu l'adreça de l'àlbum. Ajuda.

Demà ja tornen els nostres viatgers!

Arribaran en el vol:

Dissabte 4 de juny Arribada avió 22:05

EI  564  SAT   4   JUN  DUBBCN   HK30  

D’altra banda, ens han fet arribar un nou resum de les seves activitats:

Avui hem après esports irlandesos ( futbol gaèlic i hurling).
A la tarda, hem visitat Dublín: la universitat o Trinity College, el Ha’penny Bridge, el Temple center…) Continuem gaudint del sol.

Who is who? – May 2016

This is the activity called “Who is who?” that 1st of ESO computer science students have created to process texts in English. Try to match each description with a photograph. Enjoy!
