Healthy food versus junk food 3rd ESO project

The last week before Christmas our 3rd ESO students have been working on a project about food. The goal was to get to know the best choices for our health, now that we are about to spend many family moments around the table.

First of all, we saw a video about a woman with a demon and angel. The angel was saying about eating healthy food, and the demon was saying about eating junk food. At the ending of the video the women did what she want.

We made different groups and each groups chose a type of food for exemple vegetable, meat etc… Then we thought about same examples of healthy and junk food in each group. At the end we made a mind map with all this new vocabulary.

What we read was about TED talk a video that explains how food affects to your brain and how you react. The conclusions were really amazing!

We have learned a lot. For example, we can use “must” in a sentence to talk about something we need (“I must get my hair before my meeting”) and that we need to be careful with everything that we eat.

Now you can visit the Healthy food versus junk food project website.