This year as usual, our school is participating in the 10th edition of THE FONIX, the Inter-school English competition.
We had a first qualifying round in January here in the school, where the candidates of the different years took an examination. Once the exams were marked, the teachers had a tough job selecting the best student in each year. It was really difficult to make a decision in some cases because you all did very well!

The selected candidates were the following:
1r ESO: Podio Agustí, Ada
2n ESO: León Millán, Paula
3r ESO: González Scollo, Dana
4t ESO: Trinidad Fernández, Mar
1r Batxillerat: Oughanem Kinana, Miriam

They represented our school in the following stage of the competition, another exam held on Saturday the 25th of February. Thanks a lot to all of you for taking the trouble, we all like resting at the weekend!
The results of the second stage will be made public on the 3rd of April in the Fonix website. Good luck for our candidates!

This is the calendar for the remaining stages of the competition:
A partir del 3 d’abril : publicació a la web del concurs dels guanyadors de la prova territorial que passen a la gran final absoluta.
Fins el dia 15 d’abril, comunicació de baixes o renúncies de participació en la fase final.
Dissabte 29 d’abril: Realització de la Prova Fase Final Absoluta.
A partir del dia 12 de maig, publicació de classificacions finals del concurs.
Divendres 19 de maig, a la tarda: cerimònia de lliurament de diplomes i premis.
In case you are interested, you can check the prizes here.

We wish our candidates the best and thank them for taking the trouble of participating. You are great!

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