Time Zone!

As the Earth rotates on its axis, the Sun shines on only one part of the Earth at a time.
While the sun shines where you live, it’s nighttime somewhere else.
When you’re eating your breakfast cereal, children in Australia are finishing the school day and children… Llegeix més»

Problem solving…

Do you dare to solve this problems? 1- Laia went to 35 basketball games this year. He went to 60 games last year. How many basketball games did Laia go to altogether?
2- Jason solved 47 math problems during the math contest. Anna solved 16 more… Llegeix més»

How are we going to school?

This pie chart shows the percentages of types of transportation used by the 113 students to come to Salvador Espriu school*
a) How many students come to school by bicycle?
b) How many students do not walk to school?
c)  How many students come to school in a car?
*the… Llegeix més»

About paper

Paper is very important in our lives. We use paper to write, print, decorate, make books, make money and many other things.
Paper is very old. Chinese people made papers 2000 years ago.
Basically, paper comes from trees. We can make different types of papers depending on… Llegeix més»

Desapareixerà el dièsel l’any 2030?

Es preveu que l’ús del dièsel serà molt minoritari el 2030 perquè els costos de producció dels cotxes dièsel seran molt elevats i s’abaratiran els cotxes elèctrics o híbrids.

El dièsel ha estat el combustible més popular a Europa els últims 10-15 anys, en canvi, es preveu… Llegeix més»

Happy Halloween!

Halloween is a celebration. It is on October 31. Halloween isn’t a holiday but it is a very special day for children in Canada, the United States and some other countries around the world. Now, children from lots of different countries celebrate Halloween. Also, there… Llegeix més»