Endangered animals (animals en perill)

Els alumnes de 5è hem fet un treball en anglès sobre els animals en perill d’extinció.

Hem après moltes coses sobre l’animal que cadascú ha escollit: com són, què mengen, on viuen, perquè estan en perill d’extinció, quants en queden al món…

Amb els treballs hem fet una exposició davant de tots els companys i companyes.

A continuació podeu veure algunes de les informacions recollides:

In this unit, pupils in 5th grade learnt about endangered animals. For example: Fennec, Snow leopard, Iberian lynx, Koala, Red panda, Mountain gorilla etc.

  • Fennec: Fennec lives in the Sahara desert. They have got white, yellow and orange fur. The height of fennecs is about 20cm. Their tail is about 30 cm long. They are endangered because of hunting for their skins. 
  • Snow leopard: Snow leopards live in mountains. They live in central Asia. They have got white and grey fur with black spots and rosettes. They are endangered because of loss of habitat, hunting and poaching. There are about 5000 snow leopards in the world.
  • Iberian lynx: Iberian lynx live in forests, They live in Spain and Portugal. Their colour is brown with black spots and with a black dot at the end of the tail. They eat rabbits.  They are endangered because of hunting.  There are only 1,111 Iberian lynx in the world.
  • Mountain gorilla:  Mountain gorillas live in forests. They eat leaves, stems and flowers. Mountain gorillas basically are terrestrial and quadruped. Mountain gorillas are endangered because of loss of habitat and poaching. There are 1.059 mountain gorillas.
  • Koala: They live in tropical and subtropical forests. They eat the leaves of eucalyptus and also from other trees. They are endangered because of deforestation, hunting and poaching. There are only 80.000 Koalas in the world. 
  • Red panda: Red pandas live in forests. Red pandas eat bamboo. They are endangered because of loss of habitat, and poaching.

By Marc Arjona, Lara Minguell and Kevin Ureche

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