Taller de gènere

Avui les Alícies hem tingut la sort de gaudir d’un taller de gènere. En aquest taller ens han explicat tres contes diferents que ens han servit per pensar i reflexionar sobre les característiques de les persones. Les tres històries ens han semblat molt especials, gracies a elles hem pogut conèixer personatges com la “senyoreta si vols pots”o hem cridat “PROU!” per ajudar a la tortuga Clementina a desfer-se de tot el que la tortuga l’Arthur li havia imposat.


Yesterday Tanits’ class went to the theatre! The theatre was in English and the name of the play was “The plastic mermaid”. These are some of the pictures of the play. We had lots of fun, we could sing in English and we learned about the pollution of the oceans due to our constant waste of plastic! After the play, the actresses and actor gave us the chance of asking them questions and we were amazed by all the job they have behind the scenes!


Yesterday Alicies’ class went to the theatre! The theatre was in English and the name of the play was “The plastic mermaid”. These are some of the pictures of the play. We had lots of fun, we could sing in English and we learned about the pollution of the oceans due to our constant waste of plastic! After the play, the actresses and actor gave us the chance of asking them questions and we were amazed by all the job they have behind the scenes!



Yesterday Rovellons’ class went to the theatre! The theatre was in English and the name of the play was “The plastic mermaid”. These are some of the pictures of the play. We had lots of fun, we could sing in English and we learned about the pollution of the oceans due to our constant waste of plastic! After the play, the actresses and actor gave us the chance of asking them questions and we were amazed by all the job they have behind the scenes!

La nostra postal de Nadal

Aquest dimecres les Alícies hem pogut fer la nostra postal de Nadal entre tots i totes. Hem parlat de què volíem que hi hagués a la nostra postal i ens hem posat mans a la obra amb la plastilina i el Lego.

Després de fer unes quantes figures hem pogut començar a col·locar-les a la postal de Nadal, cadascú hi ha aportat el seu granet de sorra!

Hem estat molt contents i contentes de poder participar-hi tots! Aquest és el resultat final, a nosaltres ens encanta!

Dibuixem la Casa Batlló

Aquests dies hem estat descobrint moltes coses de la Casa Batlló i de tan que l’hem observat ens ha sorgit la idea de dibuixar-la. Durant l’activitat hem estat molt concentrats i concentrades i ens ha servit per veure-hi moltes coses ben diferents i interessants. A més a més, amb la sortida que vam fer a Barcelona sabem que la Casa Batlló representa la llegenda de Sant Jordi i això ens encanta!


L’Alícia cau per el cau!

Aquest dilluns amb les Alicies vam llegir una part de la història en la que l’Alícia cau per un cau. Després d’observar diferents il·lustracions ens va tocar a nosaltres fer d’il·lustradors i ens vam posar a dibuixar com ens imaginavem que era aquest cau per on queia l’Alícia. Van sortir unes propostrs ben diferents i ens vam adonar que això també els passa als il·lustradors quan llegeixen una història i se l’han d’imaginar!


This is Halloween!

In Tanits we celebrated Halloween last friday! We created our own Halloween monster. We had two dices, one had different parts of the body (arm, leg, etc.) and the other dice had colors. We had to throw the dices and draw what was on the dices! We also had the chance of decorating the class with Halloween masks and we talked about our scary monsters. We had a lot of fun!


This is Halloween!

In Alicies we celebrated Halloween last friday! We created our own Halloween monster. We had two dices, one had different parts of the body (arm, leg, etc.) and the other dice had colors. We had to throw the dices and draw what was on the dices! We also had the chance of decorating the class with Halloween masks and we talked about our scary monsters. We had a lot of fun!


This is Halloween!

In Rovellons we celebrated Halloween last friday! We created our own Halloween monster. We had two dices, one had different parts of the body (arm, leg, etc.) and the other dice had colors. We had to throw the dices and draw what was on the dices! We also had the chance of decorating the class with Halloween masks and we talked about our scary monsters. We had a lot of fun!
