Round and round the garden


Round and Round the Garden is a bright and cheerful musical about the day in the garden. It is packed with action songs, rhymes and repetition which are particularly valuable forms of learning for this age. Everyone can sing-along and learn about the things we find outside. We get to know parts of the body, colours and then we are off on our bug hunt! Round and Round the Garden includes familiar songs such as Incy Wincy Spider, Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star and I can Sing a Rainbow.

Round and Round the Garden és un musical alegre i brillant sobre un dia al jardí. Està ple de cançons d’acció, rimes i repeticions que són estratègies d’aprenentatge especialment valuoses per a aquesta edat. Tothom pot cantar i aprendre sobre allò que trobem fora. Coneixem parts del cos, colors i després anem a caçar insectes! Round and Round the Garden inclou cançons conegudes com Incy Wincy Spider, Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star i Can Sing a Rainbow.


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