Shakespeare 2016: 400th Anniversary

Book Trailer Award Winners: Aymará Fernández and Nazareth Galván

Book Trailer Award Winners: Aymará Fernández and Nazareth Galván

In 2016 the world commemorates 400 years since the death of William Shakespeare. This special anniversary year has been a unique opportunity to read one of the most important plays written by the English author in class in a special way.

Shakespeare’s legacy is still alive today, so students of ESO 4 were asked to read Romeo and Juliet during the first term and topics such as love, relationships and literature were introduced in order to discover Shakespeare’s essence while enjoying such a great icon of our universal literature.

One of the final products students had to create after reading the book was a Book Trailer. A Book Trailer is a new and creative way to promote a book with a video, whose purpose is to pique and build interest in potential readers.

Presentació Premi Booktrailer

Book Trailer Award Presenters: Andrea Rodríguez and Jordi Esteller

Ins Hipàtia d’Alexandria celebrates every April 23rd the most important festival in our country, Sant Jordi. Being one of our most relevant days, where books and literature are everywhere,  Shakespeare had to be a special guest this year. Our annual Writing Competition added for the first time a new category devoted to this new encouraging product. We hope you enjoy our students’ work!

Congratulations Nazareth Galván and Aymará Fernández! Great job!


William Shakespeare Quote

Brighten your lives with Shakespeare’s works!

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