Learning about British culture

Alumnes de 1r i 2n d’ESO del Joan d’Àustria han assistit a les conferències sobre cultura britànica que ha impartit a l’Auditori de Sant Martí el senyor Danny Rae Mathias, membre del Teacher Training Department de l’Editorial Burlington. Aquesta editorial organitza unes xerrades molt participatives i amenes (in English, of course), en les quals l’alumnat no només aprèn nou vocabulari, sinó que sobretot s’introdueix en les diferències culturals que hi ha entre els països anglosaxons i mediterranis.


ESO 1st and 2nd year students from our high school have attended the lectures on British culture given in the Sant Martí Auditorium by Mr. Danny Rae Mathias, member of the Teacher Training Department of Burlington Books. This publishing house organizes some really participatory and enjoyable talks (in English, of course), in which students not only learn new vocabulary, but above all are introduced to the cultural differences between Anglo-Saxon and Mediterranean countries.