
L’institut de l’Esport de Barcelona és un centre públic de Formació professional que ofereix les formacions de la família professional d’Activitats físiques.

L’institut va començar la seva activitat el curs 2021-22 amb una oferta que anirà augmentant al llarg dels següents cursos fins a abastar la majoria de les formacions de postobligatòria d’Activitats físiques i esportives i que, per al curs 2023-24, és la següent:


Consulteu l’apartat Institut > Secretaria > Preinscripció i matrícula per tenir el calendari detallat.

The ‘Institut de l’Esport de Barcelona’ (Sports Highschool of Barcelona) is a public school for Vocational Education and Training (VET), specialized in formations related to sports.

Starting in September 2020, as a new Professional School in Barcelona for all students having finished the obligatory schooling years, it will add a more focused and specific education for all professions related to physical activity.

Expecting to grow in formations and groups over the next years, our school will offer for the scholar-year 2023-24 most existing VET Studies of the Spanish School System:

  • Itinerari Formatiu Específic Auxiliar de manteniment d’Instal·lacions esportives(Specific training formation as Sports Facilities Maintenance Assistant) is a four years long – Level 1 formation intended for students with a mild or moderate intellectual disability.
  • Tècnic/a esportiu/iva en Futbol (Football sports technician) is a in two courses (455 & 565 hours) Level 2 formation specialized in one sport.
  • Tècnic/a esportiu/iva en Esquí (Ski sports technician) is a in two courses (465 & 620 hours) Level 2 formation specialized in one sport.
  • Tècnic/a esportiu/iva en Muntanya mitjana (Middle-heigth mountain sports technician) is a in two courses (570 & 690 hours) Level 2 formation specialized in one sport.
  • Further sports will be implemented in the future.
  • Cicle formatiu de grau mitjà en Guia en el medi natural i en el lleure (Middle degree VET in Guiding of outdoor and leisure activities) is a 2 years long – Level 2 formation of 2.000 hours.
  • Cicle formatiu de grau superior en Ensenyament i animació socioesportiva (High degree VET in Socio-sports teaching and animation) is a 2 years long – Level 3 formation of 2.000 hours.
  • Cicle formatiu de grau superior en Condicionament físic (High degree VET in Physical fitness) is a 2 years long – Level 3 formation of 2.000 hours.