
L’institut comença la seva activitat amb una oferta que anirà augmentant al llarg dels següents cursos fins a abastar la majoria de les formacions de postobligatòria d’Activitats físiques i esportives i és la següent:

Consulteu l’apartat Institut > Secretaria > Preinscripció i matrícula per tenir el calendari detallat.

The ‘Institut de l’Esport de Barcelona’ (Sport Institute of Barcelona) is a public school for Vocational Education and Training (VET), specialized in formations related to sports.

Starting in September 2020, as a new Professional School in Barcelona for all students having finished the obligatory schooling years, it will add a more focused and specific education for all professions related to physical activity.

Expecting to grow in formations and groups over the next years, our school will offer for the scholar-year 2021-22 most existing VET Studies of the Spanish School System: