A new generation of the Let s Jam Ensemble has just arrived safe and sound in Kalskrona, Sweden. VäLKommen till SVERIGE!

Getting ready for a fresh start for the week ahead! Sunday bowling, good vibes and pizza party.


Welcome reception at Af Chapman. Retrobem alumnes suecs d’edicions anteriors del projecte Let s Jam. “Best trip ever” ens comenten… tornarien a Valls sens dubte.
La ceremònia comença ben oficial amb l’himne de Suècia i acaba amb la música sueca que tothom coneix. Mireu tot el vídeo!



Monday afternoon rehearsals and JAM session at Törnströmska cafè!!



After the.rehearsals, the big gig of the Let s Jam Ensemble, sharing stage with South African students on their exchange program in Kalskrona.
Don t stop believing!



A lovely multi-culti farewell with salsa dancing, homemade food and friends from Sweden and South África. Excited to share with you soon again! Hold on to that feeling!