Enguany al Ítaca tornem a celebrar el Halloween amb música! Dilluns 5 de novembre, els membres de The Sing Along Project vindran a fer-nos un concert per l’alumnat de 1er i 2on d’ESO, que participaran cantant (ens projectaran les lletres com en un karaoke) i fins i tot sortint al escenari.

Podeu triar les cançons que més us agradin del seu repertori omplint l’enquesta Sing Along Project – HALLOWEEN, i ells les tocaran el dia del concert.

Pots practicar les cançons que has triat a LyricsTraining.

Com que també celebrem Halloween podeu venir disfressats amb alguna cosa terrorífica.

This year we are going to celebrate Halloween with music! On Monday, 4th November, The Sing Along Project band are coming to our school to play some songs for 1st and 2nd ESO students. You can join them singing (lyrics will be displayed as in a karaoke) and even go out on stage.

You can choose the songs you like the best filling the survey Sing Along Project – HALLOWEEN and they will play them live during the concert.

You can practice the songs you have chosen at LyricsTraining.

As we are also celebrating Halloween you can wear a terrifying costume.

Si voleu veure algunes fotos de l’activitat cliqueu 1ESO o 2ESO.


I també tenim alguns vídeos…

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