Keep in touch!


During the third week of confinement, the students of 4th of eso and 1st batxillerat contributed to two Padlet panels, where they shared and commented experiences with their classmates. They posted tips, suggestions, thoughts… Some of them also explained what their routines were like, and others showed their creations (paintings, recorded poems and music, cakes, homemade videos…). You can have a look at them clicking on the images.

Durant la tercera setmana de confinament, els estudiants de 4t d’eso i de 1r de batxillerat han contribuït a dos plafons de Padlet, on han compartit i comentat experiències amb els seus companys i companyes de classe. Han publicat consells, suggeriments, pensaments … Alguns també han explicat com són les seves rutines i altres han mostrat les seves creacions (pintures, poemes i música enregistrats, pastissos, vídeos casolans). Podeu fer-los una ullada fent clic a les imatges.

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