Women’s empowerment!

International Women’s Day is held on 8th March each year and we’re celebrating the women who’ve had huge impacts on the feminist movement. Our 3rd and 4th grade students have been working on this women’s footprint timeline. They have been researching how women have made extraordinary contributions to their societies. Some are well known, some less, but all have left their mark on history.… Llegeix més»

Entrevista a Blai Mallarach

L’alumnat de primer d’ESO ha estat treballant l’entrevista durant les últimes dues setmanes i per finalitzar aquest tema han pogut entrevistar en directe, mitjançant una videoconferència, en Blai Mallarach.
En Blai és un jugador de waterpolo professional que actualment juga al CNA Barceloneta i forma part… Llegeix més»